There are several annual fees that teams are required to pay.  It is up to the Team Treasurer to decide how to re-coup this money from their players, however the League Committee recommends this is collected up-front.

Annual Fees

Annual fees are as follows:

MMNL Team Registration & ABRFC Membership

All players are charged an annual subscription to the League.  This fee covers social membership of the Aylesford Bulls Rugby Football Club (ABRFC) and will entitle that person to use the facilities of the clubhouse.

The annual subscription is set by the League Committee and agreed annually and adopted at the League’s AGM.

The fee per player is currently charged as follows:

  • £20.00 per adult player
  • £15.00 per junior player (under 18)

Players joining the League part way through the winter season will be invoiced one third of the MMNL Team Registration & ABRFC Membership fee per unaffiliated and affiliated session(s) played by their new player, until they have played 3 times.  Please refer to League Rule 6.2.2.

England Netball Affiliation

All teams and players must be affiliated to All England Netball whose affiliation runs from 01 September to 31 August of the following year.  This is an annual subscription to the national governing body and includes regular issues of Netball Magazine, insurance cover and discount codes.  Click here for more information.

As a guideline, affiliation for the playing season 2023/2024 costs £44.00 per person.  It is broken down as follows:

  • AENA – £39.00
  • Region (London & SE) – £1.00
  • County (Kent Netball) – £4.00

AENA affiliation numbers must be submitted on the team’s Player Registration Form for both the Winter League and the Summer League.  If you are not affiliated, you will not be able to play in the League as you will not be insured.

Junior clubs are able to affiliate at a reduced rate.

Match Day Fees

Most of the League teams ask their players to pay a weekly subscription (subs) to their Team Treasurer to cover the below fees and items such as a new ball, first aid top up etc.  This is usually in the region of £5.00 – £7.00 per match.

Court Fees

Teams are charged £20.00 per league match for use of the courts.

The League Treasurer will email an invoice for match fees to the Team Secretary for payment.  This can be paid via electronic bank transfer or post-dated cheques, as stated on the invoice.  Any adjustments made throughout the year, i.e. cancelled matches and new players, will be re-invoiced at a later date.

Umpire Fees

Umpires require payment on the night of the match.  This fee should be agreed with your umpire prior to the match.

The League Committee recommends the following payment:

  • A Award – £20.00
  • B Award – £17.50
  • C Award – £15.00
  • Beginner/Into Officiating Award – £12.50

Please refer to the Recommended Umpire Fees document for more information.

Other Fees

Summer League Fee

To enter the Summer League, a one-off entry fee is due.  This is currently £75.00 per team.


To enter any League tournaments, a non-refundable entry fee per team is due upon registration.  This is currently £40.00 per team.